Process of implementation

Conceived initially mainly as a mobility tool, the full implementation of the ECTS arrangements obliges higher education institutions to re-think, to revise, to re-organise their programmes or, at least to present them differently, trying to make them easy to read and compare for local/national or foreign students, and more widely for all people likely to benefit from a higher education programme. ECTS can potentially make higher education more attractive to everyone at home and abroad.
On the European side, the Commission appointed ECTS/Diploma Supplement Counsellors, established in each European country to provide advice on the implementation of the different "tools" of the Bologna process (such as the recognition of periods of study abroad) and to help universities in this perspective. They are higher education personnel who have a longstanding experience in the field.
This strategy was reinforced by the appointment of Bologna Counsellors, who in 2007 became Bologna experts, organised in national teams, bring together academics and students, identified as potential resources for higher institutions and as contributors to national and European debates on the implementation of the Bologna process.
Recently, the Commission decided to award "labels" to institutions that apply ECTS in a correct way in all degree programmes. Each year, some institutions receive this label following a selection process of applications received.