Consultation and action plan for Adult Learning

In October 2006, the European Commission adopted a Communication, "It is never too late to learn", calling on the Member States to promote adult learning in Europe. Adult learning is identified as a crucial element of the European lifelong learning strategy. But the participation of adults in lifelong learning provisions remains weak in most European countries. In addition in most countries education and training systems are largely focused on young people. To overcome this unsatisfactory position, the Commission urged Member States to develop an efficient adult learning system and proposed on 27 September 2007 an Action Plan on Adult Learning considering five key challenges to be achieved by 2010.
This initiative was supported by the European Parliament in its report  on the proposal for an Action Plan for Adult Learning and in its Resolution on 16 January 2008. The European Parliament "urges Member States to introduce a lifelong learning culture, primarily focussing on education and training for adults, by implementing policies and actions geared to promoting the acquisition of knowledge and making it more attractive and accessible, and updating qualifications".
In February 2008, the Commission established a Working Group, involving Member States, European social partners and specialised networks, primarily to propose and promote the  development of  further actions to achieve the objectives of the Action plan.